Cryo strage solution

Stop aging of eggs
Cryopreservation is the use of very low temperatures to preserve structurally intact living cells and tissues. Cryopreservation of oocyte (or unfertilized egg) are conducted by rapidly freezing the oocytes by placing them in liquid nitrogen (-190°C). The frozen eggs will not age as long as they are cryo preserved in LN2 properly. As a result, it is possible to stop aging of oocytes at optimal quality for future use
Insurance for the Future
The number of oocytes (unfertilized egg) a woman can produce is fixed from birth, and as we all age so does the quality of the eggs. By cryopreserving oocytes at optimal time, you are obtaining an insurance for your future life plans. Balancing your career and reproductive choice on your own pace is possible through cryopreservation of oocytes.
Postponing pregnancy to a later date is a choice nowadays
In the western countries, cryopreservation of oocytes is treated as an infrastructure for women by allowing them to postpone pregnancy to a later date in life. Global companies such as Facebook (i.e. Meta) or Apple provide their employees with insurance coverage that covers egg freezing.
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
Reproductive plan is part of life planning
The thought of childbirth can stall you at various life transitions, such as when you want to focus on a project at your place of employment, when an opportunity comes up for you to be stationed abroad, or when you want to study abroad. But if you plan your reproduction by using the oocytes that were frozen at a younger age, the miscarriage rate is usually lower scientifically
Use of young oocytes to improve birth rate
A 2013 U.S. CDC report on the use of donated versus autologous eggs showed that the use of younger donated eggs resulted in higher birth rates at the same age.

GREEN8 Japan supports your life plans by storing your reproductive cells in optimal environment. GREEN8 has been transporting human cells, embryos, oocytes and sperms between medical clinics for many years.

GREEN8 Japan transports more than 100 cryo shipments per year. Our transportation services have earned the trust of clinics, hospitals and laboratories in Japan and other countries.

As a professional in temperature-controlled transportation domestically in Japan as well as international shipments, GREEN8 handles and stores cryo cells with the utmost care.

GREEN8’s GDP/GMP storage depo is located in Yonezawa city, Yamagata prefecture in Japan. The risk of an earthquake of intensity 6 or higher within the next 30 years is less than 0.3-3% in Yonezawa, compared to the high risk of 30-100% of Japan metropolitan area. The geological layer is different from the Pacific Ocean plate of Tohoku region. The geographically stable ground of Yonezawa is proven to be low for risk of disasters due to mega earthquakes as there were no casualties in the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011.

In addition, GREEN8’s storage facility is outstanding and meets the global standard of GDP/GMP guidelines for handling biological substances and pharmaceutical products. The global standards related to pharmaceuticals, which require delicate handling, demand high quality in various specifications, such as temperature control and security measures are met at GREEN8 storage warehouses. A temperature monitoring system is also in place, and alerts are issued in the event of temperature deviations.The number of people who can enter and leave the room is also restricted. Surveillance CCTV cameras are also in operation 24 hours of monitoring.

Please feel free to advantage of GREEN8’s world class reefer storage services in Japan.

Oocytes are stored individually at each IVF clinic across Japan
  • IVF Japan clinics that freeze eggs are mainly in central Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya where there is a risk of a large scale earthquake is imminent.
  • There is a risk of storing frozen egg at 1 location in Japan
  • GREEN8 provides a secure, de-centralized GDP/GMP storage location for oocytes in Japan
  • Storing patient oocytes, embryos and sperms in low disaster risk location in Japan
  • Cryo-storage at a facility that complies with international standards to handle and store biological products
  • Close cooperation with Japan IVF clinic’s embryologist to conduct secure and reliable handling
  • Emergency generators provide backup for 7 days in case of a power outage.
  • Providing cryopreservation and storage along with cryo-transportation domestically in Japan as well as international cryo- shipment
    Regular Japan IVF clinic
  • Many Japanese fertility clinics have inadequate temperature monitoring systems
  • Liquid nitrogen is manually added to storage tank (no automation)
  • Not meeting GMP/GDP international guidelines and specifications
  • No business continuity plan, nor any emergency generators at most clinics
  • Larger clinics and hospitals are only equipped with emergency generators for providing power for less than 3 days.
  • 卵子凍結 保管 不妊治療 storage
    GREEN8 Japan facility
  • 24-hour temperature monitor system available
  • Temperature alerts in case of abnormalities or deviation with SOPs
  • Automatic filling of liquid nitrogen
  • GDP /GMP guidelines and specifications in place
  • Restricted areas with access for staff and authorized pensility only
  • Cleanroom classified facility with low concentration of airborne particles
  • Controlled facility with HEPA filters, dust, insect and rodent-proofed protocols
  • Emergency power generator capable of supplying electricity for 7 days in case of power outage
  • Plan 1 Security countermeasures:
    In order to avoid prowlers’ risk, GREEN8 Japan facility is equipped with 24 hours CCTV security system, with in person security checking in case of any intrusion or alert.
    Plan 2 Natural disaster countermeasure:

    GREEN8 facility is constructed with earthquake resistant structure as well as measures to withstand other natural disasters such as typhoons and flooding. While the geographic location of the GREEN8 Japan’s storage facility is in a low-risk terrain (according to National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention), GREEN8 facility is also equipped with electric power generator that could support the temperature-controlled facility for 7 days in case of a power outage.

    Reference: J-SHIS MAP (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention)

    Plan 3 Countermeasure against prevention of mix-ups and human error:

    To overcome mix ups as well as possible human error in biological specimen or any stored samples, GREEN8 keeps tracks of each sample through digital barcode management system. Also to avoid human error, SOPs are in place for trained personnel to double check each entry and exit.

    Plan 4 Measures against temperature deviation:
    Automatic LN2 replenishing system is in place as well as temperature monitoring system. We prevent temperature deviations due to human error in filling liquid nitrogen by using automatic liquid nitrogen storage containers. In addition, our temperature monitoring system maintains an optimal environment for maintaining the quality of our clients’ oocytes.
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    GREEN8 cryo facility is located at the its GDP/GMP compliant facility in Yonezawa, Japan. The facility is registered at “Yonezawa Repro-Medicine Center” in which capable of handling reproductive, pharmaceutical , biological and scientific substances and material.

    Please contact us for not only frozen oocytes, embryos and sperm short term and long term storage, but also any bio-pharma related storage and distribution needs in Japan.

    GREEN8 Japan facility is located on a land where a huge earthquake is less likely to occur.
    GREEN8 depo consists of a cleanroom facility in which is most suitable for handling and storing biological substance and pharmaceutical material. By dividing the storage area by usage and content of stored substances, each material is handled in a safe and proper environment.
    Temperature monitoring system
    GREEN8 Japan facility provides 5 different controlled temperature zones, in which each zone is equipped with 24x7 temperature monitoring system. The system is set to sound an alert if the temperature deviates, and logs and records are available upon client request.
    GMP/GDP compliant facility in Japan
    GREEN8 Japan facility complies with international and Japan national standards of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and GDP (Good Distribution Practice) standards for storing and handling pharmaceutical products.

    How long can I keep my frozen eggs?

    There is no age limit for usage of GREEN8’s cryopreservation storage service. The storage period can be set by the customer.

    Can you refer me to a Japanese clinic for egg retrieval, embryo transfer, and delivery?

    We have affiliated clinics. Referrals are possible so please contact us by email or call us.

    How do you transport from the clinic to the storage facility?

    GREEN8 has an IVF shipping courier service, in which we transport frozen oocytes, embryos or sperms in a vacuum thermos named "Dry Shipper", maintaining the transport temperate of -198℃ (or -324F).

    Is it possible to store sperm and fertilized eggs as well as eggs?

    Of course it is possible. We can also store frozen sperm and embryos for short of 1 months or long term of 10 years or longer. Please contact us for details and pricing

    What are your costs ?

    Please contact GREEN8 Japan through Contact Form / email / phone . We will send you the cost details

    I would like to freeze fertilized eggs instead of frozen eggs in Japan. Is this possible?

    Yes, it is possible. Please contact us.

    I would like to freeze and store fertilized eggs that have no chromosomal abnormalities and are tested normal. Is this possible at GREEN8?

    Yes, this is possible. We offer a discount plan for clients who use both our PGT program and cryopreservation service.
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